Environmental Health


  • Environmental Working Group: an excellent American not for profit organization that uses the power of public information to protect public health and the environment.
  • Everyday Exposures: a phenomenal interactive website that gives you an interactive tour through a home – illuminating how many unknown, undesirable toxic exposures are around us everyday and offering links and other valuable resources for learning how to reduce these effects/ exposures and live in a healthier home.
  • The Collaborative on Health and the Environment: a diverse network of over 2600 healthcare providers and academic researchers in over 40 countries, working collectively to advance knowledge and effective action to address growing concerns about the links between human health and environmental factors. They have developed a database that helps us understand the links between our exposures and the ensuing health problems.
  • Environmental Defense Fund: working on various aspects of climate change but with a focus also on health impacts such as air quality.
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Canadian Sources: is a support, information and resource exchange for those living and coping with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Environmental Illness (EI), or Chemical Injury (CI). We also discuss invisible illnesses as they relate to chemical sensitivities, for example: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Asthma, and Allergies.


  • Toxic by Neil Nathan: An excellent resource for either mold of Lyme disease
  • Clean, Green & Lean by Walter Crinnion: A mentor of mine wrote this excellent book on how to cleanse toxins from your body safely, per the research. A great read also for those looking to level-up their health
  • Slow Death By Rubber Duck: is deemed,  “A fascinating and frightening read. . . this is an important and timely antidote.” by The Globe and Mail . How do toxins from commonplace items in our homes make their way inside us and what impact do they have on our health? And more importantly, what can we do about them? Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie, two of Canada’s leading environmental activists, tackle these questions
  • The Secret History of the War on Cancer: a fantastic but disturbing book by Devra Davis shows decade by decade, how the battle against cancer has targeted the disease yet neglected to address the things which evidence shows cause it—tobacco, alcohol, the workplace, and other environmental hazards. Were many of these known contributing causative factors more in the lime-light, millions of cancer cases would be prevented each year

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